Premium Support
This program is a great one for people who just need that extra nudge and support to move into the right direction when they are stuck in recovery. The program gives us ample room to provide you with both the practical and emotional support that you need. We'll develop a personal plan, based on my successful DVK® recovery method, and I'll be there to listen and support you while you put it into action. We will focus on behavioral changes, rewiring disordered neural pathways and so much more. We can talk about anything, but we will absolutely cover:
Weight restoration
OCD behaviors
Past trauma
Navigating meal-plans
CBT/DBT therapy
Lower level movement
Binge eating
Mental hunger/extreme hunger
Creating healthy coping skills
Exposure therapy/challenge fearfoods
And many more subjects!

What does the program look like?
This programs consists of 1 call per week (60 minutes per call, not via FaceTime or Zoom, normal phone calls) and 1 day of WhatsApp support from 9AM - 6PM. The price of this program is €600 per month. The price includes VAT/btw.
Three requirements to work with me:
Smash the scale! Weighing is not allowed.
Keeping the exercise around a maximum of 30 minutes.
Commitment, honestly, transparency and no secrecy. It takes one to know one, so I'll see right through your eating disorder BS anyway.
Is there a money return policy?No, unfortunately not.
How are these 30 minutes a week going to aid my recovery?My method has changed lives. Those are my clients words (read the testimonials), so even a 30 minute check-in call will be giving you that kick in the butt straight into the upwards trajectory and unstuck.
Are there certain prerequisites for starting this program?Not necessarily, but having the book of Tabitha Farrar (Rehabilitate, Rewire, Recover!) is highly recommended. Plus a notebook and determination! My goal for you is to actually implement all the things we talk about.
What if I have to cancel a call?That’s not a problem, we will simply reschedule. As someone with a chronic illness, plans sometimes have to change, so I’m always willing to be flexible.
What does the WhatsApp accountability look like?You can text me via WhatsApp on the weekends and throughout the entire week to hold yourself accountable. In this way, we are connected all the time. I will not answer in the weekend, but on Monday I will respond to your messages if necessary. You can ask or tell me anything. For example: ''I am with family right now and we are going to have lunch. Although my eating disorder is screaming at me that I should not have my moms cake, I am going to do it anyway. Because I made this commitment to myself. So I am just sending you this message to hold myself accountable.''
I'm Dutch, is that a problem?Not at all! I’m Dutch, but I coach internationally and in my own language. So Dutch and English is both fine!
Do I get a discount if I also book a Single Boost Session?Booking a single boost session prior to buying a membership is possible. However, the price of the single boost session (€129,-) won't be subtracted from the price of the membership card. The membership card will still give you access to 5 or 10 sessions, regardless of how many single boost sessions you book before getting the membership.
Do I have to pay the entire amount at once?Yes, unfortunately, it is not possible to pay in instalments.
Is there a money return and/or refund policy?No, unfortunately not. The membership card is valid for 1 year (in the case of a 5-session membership card) or 2 years (in the case of a 10-session membership card). Unfortunately, it's not possible to get a refund if you have any remaining sessions left at the end of this period.
I'm Dutch, is that a problem?Not at all! I’m Dutch, but I coach internationally and in my own language. So Dutch and English is both fine!
Are there certain prerequisites for starting this program?Not necessarily, but having the book of Tabitha Farrar (Rehabilitate, Rewire, Recover!) is highly recommended. Plus a notebook and determination! My goal for you is to actually implement all the things we talk about.
Is there a money return policy?No, unfortunately not.
I'm Dutch, is that a problem?Not at all! I’m Dutch, but I coach internationally and in my own language. So Dutch and English is both fine!
Are there certain prerequisites for starting this program?Not necessarily, but having the book of Tabitha Farrar (Rehabilitate, Rewire, Recover!) is highly recommended. Plus a notebook and determination! My goal for you is to actually implement all the things we talk about.
Is there a money return policy?No, unfortunately not.
What does the WhatsApp accountability look like?You can text me via WhatsApp on the weekends and throughout the entire week to hold yourself accountable. In this way, we are connected all the time. I will not answer in the weekend, but on Monday I will respond to your messages if necessary. You can ask or tell me anything. For example: ''I am with family right now and we are going to have lunch. Although my eating disorder is screaming at me that I should not have my moms cake, I am going to do it anyway. Because I made this commitment to myself. So I am just sending you this message to hold myself accountable.''
I'm Dutch, is that a problem?Not at all! I’m Dutch, but I coach internationally and in my own language. So Dutch and English is both fine!
What does the support community entail?The support-community consists of a Facebook-group including a Facebook Messenger chat, which is monitored by experienced individuals (and myself!), in which you - together with other people on their journey towards full recovery - can share wins, struggles, and find accountability!
Are there certain prerequisites for starting this program?Not necessarily, but having the book of Tabitha Farrar (Rehabilitate, Rewire, Recover!) is highly recommended. Plus a notebook and determination! My goal for you is to actually implement all the things we talk about.
What is included in the guide?The guide consists of 6 modules that explain the goals of each step of your plan of action and will, once the bootcamp is over, allow you to create your own plan of action (POA). Furthermore, it provides you with tools that can help you put that plan into action, and contains templates which you can use to build your POA and gain insight into your eating disorder. The guide contains scientific background information and examples throughout. If you want to take a closer look at the contents of the guide, you can check out the table of contents here.
Do I have to pay the entire amount at once?Yes, unfortunately, it is not possible to pay in instalments.
How will I receive the DVK Recovery Method® guide?The guide is a digital file (PDF). You will receive a download-link via e-mail.
Where can I buy this guide?You can buy this guide via the webstore. You will receive the guide via e-mail.
How should I read this guide?It doesn’t really matter whether you read this guide front to back and then start working on your own POA, or read it module by module. You can do whatever suits you! Just make sure you don’t procrastinate on your recovery by (re)reading the guide.
What is included in the guide?The guide consists of 6 modules that guide you towards creating your own plan of action (POA) and provide you with tools that can help you put that plan into action. Furthermore, it contains templates which you can use to build your POA and gain insight into your eating disorder. The guide contains scientific background information and examples throughout. And last but not least, the guide grants you access to a Facebook-group which is monitored by experienced individuals (and myself!), in which you - together with other people on their journey towards full recovery - can share wins, struggles, and find accountability! If you want to take a closer look at the contents of the guide, you can check out the table of contents here.
Is there a money return policy?Unfortunately, you will not be able to get your money back once you've received the guide.
How will I receive this guide?The guide is a digital file (PDF). You will receive a download-link via e-mail as well as on the 'thank you page' when you place an order.
I have another question/I'm encountering an issue with the guide, what can I do?If you have any questions about the guide or encounter any issues, you can send an e-mail to
Can I join the Facebook support-group without buying the guide?Unfortunately, you cannot access the Facebook group without buying the guide. You will have to provide a link to your Facebook account or your full Facebook name at check-out, so we can allow you to join the group. This way, we ensure that everyone in the group is motivated to recover.
Does this guide include any other form of support?Aside from the Facebook group, which does have admins to both moderate and support you, this guide does not include any other forms of support. If you're interested on working with me one-on-one, you can always check out my other programs or booster sessions!
Do I have to pay the entire amount at once?No, you can also pay in 4 installments. If you sign up in let’s say October and want to start the bootcamp in February, I’ll ask you to do a down payment.
Can I do the Recovery Bootcamp multiple times and what’s the follow up once it’s over?Absolutely! You can even do the Recovery Bootcamp in October and in August (for example) if you have that type of financial freedom. My goal for you is to need me less and less, but I know that you most likely need to talk to someone every few weeks who’s specialized, so that’s what I’m here for. We all need someone to talk to. Once you’ve done the bootcamp, you’ll always be able to talk to me by choosing one of my other programs.
How do we keep contact with each other?I will call you via WhatsApp. I have been doing this for more than 4 years. Occasionally I do a call via Zoom, but in my experience, a call gives you the possibility to be in a comfy position. You do not have to worry to sit straight up in front of your camera. There are no distractions. You are free to chat with me via WhatsApp during the week and in the weekend. Read more about this in another question in this FAQ.
What if I need to cancel a call?No worries! We can postpone it to another date. You get your sessions no matter what.
What does the support community entail?The support-community consists of a Facebook-group including a Facebook Messenger chat, which is monitored by experienced individuals (and myself!), in which you - together with other people on their journey towards full recovery - can share wins, struggles, and find accountability!
What does the WhatsApp accountability look like?You can text me via WhatsApp on the weekends and throughout the entire week to hold yourself accountable. In this way, we are connected all the time. I will not answer in the weekend, but on Monday I will respond to your messages if necessary. You can ask or tell me anything. For example: ''I am with family right now and we are going to have lunch. Although my eating disorder is screaming at me that I should not have my moms cake, I am going to do it anyway. Because I made this commitment to myself. So I am just sending you this message to hold myself accountable.''
What is included in the guide?The guide consists of 6 modules that explain the goals of each step of your plan of action and will, once the bootcamp is over, allow you to create your own plan of action (POA). Furthermore, it provides you with tools that can help you put that plan into action, and contains templates which you can use to build your POA and gain insight into your eating disorder. The guide contains scientific background information and examples throughout. If you want to take a closer look at the contents of the guide, you can check out the table of contents here.
Is the bootcamp also for Dutchies?Yes, it is! I also speak Dutch, so the course can be given in Dutch. Ik spreek ook Nederlands, dus we kunnen de hele cursus ook in het Nederlands doen.
How will I receive the DVK Recovery Method® guide?The guide is a digital file (PDF). You will receive a download-link via e-mail.
What if I am partly on holiday?Remember that it is just one call a day - so if you can step out for an hour and have a call with me, that would be great. Holidays are usually quite challenging when you have an eating disorder. If you really can not manage, we can postpone our call to another day.
What does the WhatsApp accountability look like?On one day (Monday through Friday), you can text me via WhatsApp the entire day (9AM - 6PM), to hold yourself accountable. In this way, we are connected the entire day. You can ask or tell me anything. For example: ''I am with family right now and we are going to have lunch. Although my eating disorder is screaming at me that I should not have my moms cake, I am going to do it anyway. Because I made this commitment to myself. So I am just sending you this message to hold myself accountable.''
What if I have to cancel a call?That’s not a problem, we will simply reschedule. As someone with a chronic illness, plans sometimes have to change, so I’m always willing to be flexible.
Are there certain prerequisites for starting this program?Not necessarily, but having the book of Tabitha Farrar (Rehabilitate, Rewire, Recover!) is highly recommended. Plus a notebook and determination! My goal for you is to actually implement all the things we talk about.
I'm Dutch, is that a problem?Not at all! I’m Dutch, but I coach internationally and in my own language. So Dutch and English is both fine!
Is there a money return policy?No, unfortunately not.
How are these 30 minutes a week going to aid my recovery?My method has changed lives. Those are my clients words (read the testimonials), so even a 30 minute check-in call will be giving you that kick in the butt straight into the upwards trajectory and unstuck.
Is there a money return policy?No, unfortunately not.
Are there certain prerequisites for starting this program?Not necessarily, but having the book of Tabitha Farrar (Rehabilitate, Rewire, Recover!) is highly recommended. Plus a notebook and determination! My goal for you is to actually implement all the things we talk about.
I'm Dutch, is that a problem?Not at all! I’m Dutch, but I coach internationally and in my own language. So Dutch and English is both fine!
What if I have to cancel a call?That’s not a problem, we will simply reschedule. As someone with a chronic illness, plans sometimes have to change, so I’m always willing to be flexible.
Any more questions?
Just send me an email or DM on Instagram.