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Program 1:
premium support

This program is a great one for people who just need that extra nudge and support to move into the right direction when they are stuck in recovery. The program gives us ample room to provide you with both the practical and emotional support that you need. We'll develop a personal plan, based on my successful DVK® recovery method, and I'll be there to listen and support you while you put it into action. We will focus on behavioral changes, rewiring disordered neural pathways and so much more. We can talk about anything, but we will absolutely cover: ​


  • Weight restoration

  • Compulsions

  • OCD behaviors

  • Past trauma

  • Navigating meal-plans

  • CBT/DBT therapy

  • Lower level movement

  • Binge eating

  • Mental hunger/extreme hunger 

  • Creating healthy coping skills

  • Exposure therapy/challenge fearfoods 

  • And many more subjects!

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What does the program look like?

This programs consists of 1 call per week (60 minutes per call, not via FaceTime or Zoom, normal phone calls) and 1 day of WhatsApp support from 9AM - 6PM.​ The price of this program is €600 per month. The price includes VAT/btw.


Three requirements to work with me:

  • Smash the scale! Weighing is not allowed. 

  • Keeping the exercise around a maximum of 30 minutes.

  • Commitment, honestly, transparency and no secrecy. It takes one to know one, so I'll see right through your eating disorder BS anyway.


Any more questions?

Just send me an email or DM on Instagram.

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